
Alan Chang Chi Hsung

Independent Non-Executive Director

Alan Chang is the managing director of OA group of companies, a professional service firm providing corporate secretarial, valuation, audit, tax and accounting advisory services. He has over 20 years of professional experience in international accounting firms. Prior to founding OA group of companies, he worked in KPMG Malaysia, KPMG Singapore and Mazars Singapore where he gathered his experience in audit and accounting advisory.

Presently, Alan is an Independent Director of Reclaims Global Limited, a company listed on the Catalist of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited, and he sits on the Audit and Remuneration committees. Alan is also a Non-Executive Director, IPO and Audit Committee member of Haina Intelligent Equipment International Holdings Limited, a company listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.

Alan graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce degree in Accounting and Finance from The University of New South Wales in 2001. He is a Chartered Accountant of Singapore and Malaysia, a fellow member of CPA Australia, a member of Hong Kong Institute of CPA and is also qualified as an ASEAN Chartered Professional Accountant. Alan has been a member of the Singapore Institute of Directors since 2017.